Norbert Lipczyński

Sales Specialist
Instytut Rozwoju Kapitału Ludzkiego Sp. z o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (2 p.m - 5 p.m.)
DescriptionIRKL recruits employees in Poland and abroad. We are a leading recruitment company in Warmia and Mazury. We are distinguished by an original system of using new media in reaching candidates and acquiring clients. The service we are offering is called AD+HR. Every month, we conduct an average of 30-50 recruitment processes for business entities and labour market institutions in Poland, Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Ireland, Scandinavian countries.
Organization Type Service Provider
CityOlsztyn, Partyzantów 1/2 lok. 3 Google map
Areas of Activities


    Business offer

    AD+HR - An innovative approach to recruitment.

    Our innovative product AD + HR completely changes the approach to recruitment. It facilitates the daily work of recruiters by displaying an offer relevant to skills of the potential candidates. We offer the product which is a solution that allows you to reach everyone who meets the requirements of the recruitment process.