Terms of use

By registering for B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 the following “General Terms of Participation” are deemed to be accepted.
1. Registration
Registration for brokerage event is made via the "register now" - function on the TalkB2B internet site. Applications are generally considered in the order of receipt. The organizer confirms the application after the close of applications at the latest, unless confirmation has been excluded. The contract comes into effect upon receipt of the confirmation or upon exclusion of confirmation at the time of application. If an application cannot be considered, the organizer will inform the applicant of this.
2. Payment conditions
Participation in B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 is free of charge.
3. Feedback and evaluation
Participation in B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 is free of charge thanks to the funding of Enterprise Europe Network under the European Union's programme for the competitiveness of SMEs (COSME). For reporting obligations about usage of public funds participants are expected to contribute to event evaluations, confirm concrete cooperations resulting from contacts established at B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 and answer to impact questionnaires. All information will be treated confidentially and will upon request be anonymised for reporting.
4. Liability
The liability of the organizer, the owners of event premises, or persons employed by these for damages, in particular for those arising from accidents, damage, loss, or theft, is excluded, unless the damages are based on intent or gross negligence on the part of the organizer or his/her vicarious agents.
5. Storing of data
By applying, the applicant agrees that his/her personal data will be processed and used in an automated manner by the platform provider (TNation), the organiser of B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 (Enterprise Europe Network Contact Point acting within the framework of The Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency JSC in Olsztyn). The data will be used solely for the purposes of executing B2B meetings at Open to Scandinavia 2022 as well as for information in connection with the topic of the event.
6. Image recording
By applying, participants in cooperation events declare their consent to the recording of the image of their person in connection with the event, as well as to the use and publication of these images for the purposes of public news coverage of the cooperation event in accordance with Article 13 Rozporządzenia o Ochronie Danych (RODO). The organiser also notifies hereby that the photographs can be accessed on the internet worldwide by the public. Subsequent use of these photos by third parties therefore cannot be generally ruled out.  
7. Uploads
In uploading files on to the platform (including any photographic material), participants who upload (Uploader) guarantee that all rights to the uploaded material necessary for the publication on websites accessible worldwide for an unlimited time period have been secured by the Uploader on time and on their own authority. This includes, in particular, copyright and performance protection, trademark and personality rights and in this context, in particular, reproduction and dissemination rights and the processing rights required for publication. Further, the Uploader ensures that the organizer is not required to credit the copyright holder/ performance protection rights holder of the uploaded material by name and that the uploaded material does not contravene statutory regulations. These guarantees mentioned above are necessary since the organizer will not check uploaded content for any possible infringements of rights without receiving any special indications that this is necessary.  
By uploading material, the rights of use described above are transferred non-exclusively to the organizer. This does not include a transfer of these rights to third parties. In return for the transfer of rights of use, the Uploader is given the right to publish the uploaded material on the website.  
The Uploader releases the organizer at first request from all claims by third parties that the uploaded material violates their rights or contravenes statutory provisions. This also applies when claims are made against the organizer’s representative or vicarious agent rather than the organizer. This release also includes the compensation of any costs incurred by the organizer or his/her representatives or vicarious agents as a result of the exercising of rights.  
Finally, the Uploader guarantees that the uploaded content is free from viruses, worms, Trojans, or other programs and/or data which may endanger or affect the functionality or the existence of the platform.  

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants42
  • Meetings Requested45
  • Meetings Accepted30


Profile views

  • Before Event2276
  • After Event25074


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